The Movie

First, the VHS editions. At left, the standard pan-and-scan version. In center, the widescreen edition for those with large enough televisions to see the movie in the full 16:9 aspect ratio, identified by the white stripe across the top. At right, a rare treat I found online: the Russian VHS version! The title reads "Ohota za Krasnim Oktyabrem", a direct translation. The words across the top appear to be the translation of "Invisible. Silent. Stolen."

A special VHS edition. This is the first VHS that was released, all following releases had a black cassette. It was the release intended mostly for thr rental market -- apparently it had a price of $100!

At left, the Laserdisc edition. There are several different editions, but I do not know the difference as I have never used a Laserdisc. In center is an Beta edition of the movie. Beta was a standard backed by Sony that lost the consumer battle to VHS, but it is still used in professional video. At right, the new DVD version released December 1, 1998, identifiable by the blue stripe on the bottom. It is a widescreen version that also includes the original theatrical trailer.